Friday, November 17, 2006

Low - Iodine Diet

So this past week I have had to avoid foods with Iodine in it, so here is what I have to avoid:

Salt, sea salt or any foods containing lots of salt.
Seafood and sea products
Dairy products of any kind - I love to eat yogurt
Bakery products- no cookies, muffins
HERE IS THE KICKER Red Dye- guess what has that? Licorice and some Gummie Bears nice one I remember when I had to do this last time Chad put together a HUGE bag of Red Gummie Bears that was great!
Most Chocolate- I don't like anyways!
Soybeans and soybeans products
Potatoes and rhubarb
Some vitamins and food supplements

Goods I can have- :)

Fruits but not cherries
Vegetables and they should be raw or frozen
Unsalted nut's
Whites of eggs
Fresh meats only up to 6 ounces a day
Grain and Oatmeal
Some pasta however no sauce
Jelly, Jam, marshmallows
Some oils
Black pepper
Sodas and coffee "thank gosh" but no cream
Peanut Butter

Just one more week believe me it's way, way better then 8 weeks like I had to do last November!