Thursday, March 31, 2022

A little backwards today!

4: 02 wackie, wakie 
Fit pilates, 
50 min. Run 
75 min. Ride 
Can you see what Bailey Bear wants lol my #peeps 



Wednesday Run day!

 50 min. run with Peloton Athletes, just an easy, easy day!  

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Saving a life!

Yesterday was a normal day until I went across the Cass Street bridge, I had seen something a little out of the norm, I seen a guy looking over the edge a little longer than normal. I had an intuition to turn around and check on him, I followed my gut feeling, I made a U turn and went back up the bridge, as I was coming over the top I see him grabbing the railing and bringing is leg over. I stop the car right in the middle of the bridge and start yelling at him, he doesn't even look at me (he had earbuds in), I'm yelling like crazy, cars are going by me (they don't even stop to help) I finally whistle as loud as I can and he looks right at me and thankfully takes is leg off the railing. I call 911, he starts walking. I have to drive down the bridge and come back up around to be on his side, as I'm driving and trying NOT to panic (because I'm thinking he's going to jump). I'm talking to 911 and Jason is keeping me in control. I come up on the other side and I do not see him, OMG I'm thinking he jumped for sure! I’m thinking why did I leave, and all of more crazy stuff was going through my head.
 Jason kept talking to me as I'm looking for him, he continues to tell me the Fire Department and Police Department are on their way. I make a quick turn around and help look for him. The cops and FD were amazing they were on it, boats were in the water, cops on top of the bridge, under the bridge, all over. after 48 min. from my call, they found him THANK GOD!  
The cops did talk to him, he denied he did it however, I did find out he did go into the hospital because he was under the influence of drugs and had mental health situations.  
I talked to my friend who is an amazing officer and she told me I saved a life by just being aware and calling it in.
I aways teach my kids to always be aware, follow your gut instincts, and get as much information as you can . If you see something wrong do something about it or or call it in. I’m still mad how many people drove by didn’t stop and help. 

I have to say it was a rough day after that, all I could see is that guys face as he looked up at me. Thank GOD he didn't jump, I don't know if I could handle if he did.
I will always be thankful to workers of all kinds of jobs who handle things like that every day! 

Follow up for today- Calling Jason from 911 and thanking him for keeping me under control. 
Call my friend Jayne and Dave I was talking to them when I pulled up on the guy jumping (I was yelling in their ear) before I hung up to call 911. 

A HUGE thank you to my lil baby sister CJ who helped me get through this…. She knows what I mean!! #familyforever…….
A beautiful sight today!! 

Tuesday - fun, fun!! Week 2

I still teach zoom 5:15am Pilates. classes, So my morning started out with Pilates, then a brick training  was riding 75 min in zone 2, then off to an easy, easy dreadmill run 30 min.  


Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Monday rule - #1 never miss a Monday!

Ok recovery day! 
I did do an easy easy 6 dreadmill run! 


Sunday, March 27, 2022

Yep, it's reading Sunday!

 Runners notoriously suffer from bad cases of the trots, or at the very least an upset stomach. I’ve heard lots of theories on why this is true, the most predominant one being that when we run, the blood goes to our muscles and neglects our digestive system. This leads to cramps, turtling, and severe panic about crapping one’s pants.

You may be a liar or you may be the exception, but this need to evacuate has happened to the best of us, to most of us. I, in particular, have been a victim one too many times.

I’ve done my best to figure out what works to avoid this messy conundrum. Following are a few sure-fire ways to minimize the risk of crapping one’s pants while running and racing:

  • The single most helpful thing for me has been to eliminate or drastically reduce fiber, dairy and fatty foods up to 36 hours before a long run or race. Typically, my diet is pretty rich in roughage, whole grains, beans, etc. But, I really do change things up the days before a race. I take in lots of water and reduce my intake of fruits, vegetables, yogurt, cheese and any higher fat foods. I’ve had great success with this plan.
  • Overly exerting myself makes things worse. On long runs, I stick to long-run pace (60 to 90 seconds slower than my ideal marathon pace), and this helps significantly. In races I am usually exerting a great deal, so this plan doesn’t work well under those circumstances.
  • Don’t laugh, but I try to get on a strict poop schedule. I train my body by eating and sleeping with a routine in mind (as much as possible). A cup of coffee in the morning usually gets stuff going. Nine times out of ten if I can get something out before a long run or race I’m good to go. Occasionally there will be a lingering nugget in there that causes problems, but not usually. 
  • It helps to not eat the two hours before a long run or race. Give your body time to digest your pancakes. Once, in all of my naiveté, I ate a huge bowl of beef stroganoff right before a run. This was a like a huge practical joke I played on myself.
  • Pre-race nerves are definitely an issue and can get stuff moving when you wish it would stay put. That’s why I’ve been known to take multiple dumps on an airplane. I hate to fly and I’m nervous. Do everything in your power to minimize any extra anxiety on race day. Give yourself enough time, breathe deeply, think about the nap you will take later. Distraction is a great tool because the mind can only think about one thing at a time. Don’t let it take you hostage.
  • never mix gels/chews with sport’s drink. I choose one or the other. I find that mixing various sugar types and chemicals doesn’t bode well for me and my colon. Ever hear the saying, “Sport’s drinks and gel, your stomach will give you hell?”
  • I hate to stop and do business during a race. But, it does help to have a back up plan in your mind. Know your potty options. Plan long runs around your favorite bushes or gas station bathrooms. Study your race map or drive the course so you know your potty-ops. Taking charge and knowing what to expect may reduce some poop anxiety.
  • I know some people take Imodium to calm things down. I have not tried this mostly because that stuff constipates me. Yes, that is the point, but I find it rally messes with my system and I have a hard time getting back to normal even days later.

Here’s to crap-less runs!

Runners need Nutrition, right?

 As a runner, do you ever read so much about nutrition and what to eat that you want to pull your hair out? What’s right, what’s wrong? What will boost performance, what might hinder it? What are the best recovery foods? In my mind, the best food choices are those that:

  • Agree with your system – This is important because what someone else finds easily digestible and palatable might not be the best for your body. For example, many people swear by yogurt as a wonderful dairy and protein source that also provides natural probiotics. My body, however, finds it hard to digest, so I don’t eat it.
  • Are in their simplest, least processed form – do not eat any foods that have ingredients you cannot pronounce. The simpler, the better. 
  • Taste good – A no brainer. Eating well does not mean you have to sacrifice taste.
  • Are easy to find at any grocery store – There should be no need to visit specialty stores in order to eat well. Whether you live in Intercourse, Pennsylvania or Boulder, Colorado there should be healthy food options available.
  • Are affordable – Eating well should not have to break the bank.

There is a lot of detailed and well-researched information out there regarding which foods are the best foods to keep runners healthy and properly fueled. The ideal diet for a runner is comprised of about 60% carbohydrates, 25% fat and 15% protein. These percentages, of course, can vary from person to person.

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist or a millionaire to eat well. You just have to be sensible and to be willing to put a bit of thought into your shopping list. After doing lots of research, I’ve boiled it down for you. Here are some foods that are simple, tasty, affordable and easily found. They are also considered to be some of the top super foods for runners.

1. Eggs

Why it made the list: Eggs are high in protein and essential amino acids to help with recovery. They also contain vitamin K, which promotes bone health. Add in the fact that they are inexpensive, easily found in any grocery store, quick to prepare and you’ve got a winner. Egg-cellent! (Bet you never heard that one before).

2. Kale

Why it makes the list: Kale has gotten a reputation for being one of the most antioxidant rich foods you can eat. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and is chock full of vitamins A, B6, C and K.  While some find this vegetable bitter or tough, there are many ways to prepare it that cut down on those potentially negative qualities. Don’t be afraid. This leafy vegetable needs you. 

3. Bananas

Why it make the list: Duh! Bananas have long been known for their easily digestible nature as well as the fact that they contain high levels of potassium, a mineral lost when you sweat. Bananas are also high in carbohydrates (about 30 mg per banana) and are therefore a standard and easy pre-run snack. I’ve also found that bananas cut down on the runner’s trots (as long as you don’t fry them in hot oil).

4. Sweet Potatoes

Why it made the list: Packed with vitamin A, antioxidants, vitamin C, iron and potassium, you can’t go wrong with this carb-rich food. Best of all, sweet potatoes make a quick, easy and affordable lunch or snack. Simply microwave a sweet potato for 5 minutes and add a touch of butter and some salt. Or, bake several sweet potatoes at the beginning of the week, wrap them in foil, and eat as you please.

5. Quinoa

Why it made the list:  This item is new enough to me that I still can’t pronounce it right (should be KEEN-wah). All the cool people now it KEEN-wah and this grain has soared in popularity as many have come to realize that it is high in both carbohydrates and proteins (it has 9 essential amino acids making it a complete protein), yet low in fat. Some believe quinoa to be a whole grain, but it is actually a seed. It is cooked however, similar to how one would cook rice or barley.

Of course there are  many other foods that one could add to the list: oatmeal, berries, edamame, almonds, wild salmon, beans and whole grain pasta to name a few. And, certainly, you don’t have to be a runner to get the health benefits from these foods.

3 hour ride today, followed by 30 min. Run

Let’s do this it’s only two of these right!! 

Biking Carbs are ready… 😂😂😂

wowza, the feeling in my legs are incredible, kept my heart rate low (zone 2) and just kept riding drank 90oz of fluid, and really ate my jelly beans. I'm going to do my run this afternoon. 
My weekly goal for running is 30 miles to 40 miles. 

Remember "Don't let fear hold you down. That's a big time waster. Actually, it's a big life waster."


Saturday, March 26, 2022

Saturday dreadmill run day!

Cold and windy out so 15 miles on my dreadmill very, very slow. I have the worse cold, very stuffed up, but running does make me breath easer. So I grabbed my stash of Peeps, watched older #ironmans and started running. My running partner Bailey Bear wanted to run on the dreadmill too 😂 or really lick the sweat off me…

After run protein coffeee… 


Friday, March 25, 2022

Happy Fri-YAY!

Beehive hair, Fastpants on it’s time to train!  90 min. Trainer ride in zone 2/3 baby jog and omg I just can’t keep my heart rate down! 

Didn’t do anything tonight, trying to eat clean. It’s incredible how I put on the weight when I add more miles to my week. UGH!!! 

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Thursday funday!

45 min.
Fit Pilates 

Followed by a 6 mile run, with #Fastpants on, snow and rain. Baby Bailey is happy to see his mama!! 


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Wednesday -

 Today it’s cold out 29 and rain yikes so that = 60 min Bike trainer and 30 min Dreadmill run 

I have to say “Omg my first run off the bike since 2019” and I can’t believe my heart rate so high! I wonder if it’s my medication or having COVID.🤪


Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Yuckie Tuesday-

 5:30 am Pilates morning - 

Afternoon dreadmill run 

“Sunny Monday” Week 1/24

 Bike day~ it’s to nice out not to! Let the training begin. #ironsunshine #ironmantraining 

Let the Training Begin….. Week 1/24

I will be using Matt Fitzgerald Essential Week by week training guide plan it’s 100% like his new 80/20 book he wrote in 2018 (new book has a few new things in it but same philosophy).
 I used it back in 2006 thankfully I have everything typed out… It’s a pain in the azzzzzzzzzz to type up, but worth it! 
I will not start swim in until April or May. 


Florida Fun 2022