Thursday, November 02, 2006

Little Tips on Nutrition and Weight Loss

Soy, rice, and almond milks don't contain lactose.Soy, rice, and almond milks don't contain lactose, thus they are easier to digest than animal-derived milks.

Ginger neutralizes acid, and therefore helps relieve nausea and gas.Ginger neutralizes acid, and therefore helps relieve nausea and gas.

Mint stimulates digestion and eases intestinal cramps.Mint stimulates digestion and eases intestinal cramps. Sip mint tea 30 minutes before a run or take peppermint-oil capsules on long runs.

Taste is an essential aspect of deciding what to drink; research (and common sense) has proven that we're more inclined to stay hydrated if we like what we're drinking.

Many factors influence what you should drink and when.Running time and distance, level of intensity, individual fitness, environmental conditions and even personal preference all factor in to what you should drink--and when you should drink it.

Yogurts with live cultures help with the digestion process.

Despite what fad-diets proclaim, weight loss is simple: burn more calories than you consume.

To lose one pound, you need to burn 3,500 more calories than you eat.

Know your nutritional facts: all of us require 40 different nutrients.

When following a vegetarian diet, your best bet for getting protein is in soy-based foods and meat replacement products.

Good nutrition isn't about eliminating one food or nutrient and exchanging it with another: seek balance and moderation in what you eat.

Eat more "functional foods." Eat more "functional foods" like juice, salmon, and soybeans to ward off diseases and gain a boost to your health.

Adjust your diet to match your training schedule. If you're eating the same number of calories all year, there is most likely a portion of the year when you're eating more food than you need.

Diet and training are so closely intertwined that runners' diets need to evolve throughout the year to correspond with particular workouts.

Recover quickly from bonking with a sports drink--as little as 50 grams of carbohydrates can bring your brain back to normal in 10 or 15 minutes.

Teas and fruit drinks fortified with herbs promise health benefits.

Omega-3 fats may actually help you grow more never endings, making your brain function at a higher level. One of the best places you can get omega-3 fats is in fish like tuna and salmon.

Fiber can help you loose weightThe roughage in whole grains, vegetables and fruits fills you up and helps squelch your appetite.

The best way to loose weight is to watch the scale, run a little more and eat a little less. Looking at the scale daily helps you keep up with small gains and big looses. Running even an extra mile a day will add up over time and you can eat the same things, just eat a little less of them.