Sunday, October 23, 2022

Happy Runday Sunday!

Hello Sunshine!
“Ask for what you want in life, take risks, don’t be afraid of failure, you will never get what you want if you never try, so just do it." 😉

Sunday is my loooooooong RUN! I hate that it stays so dark so much later in the am. Living out in nowhere land you don't know what's out there...

“Dirty Chia Run!” ✔️ the sun was HOT, HOT!!

I could only get in 8 miles my stomach was not liking me, I ended up in the woods more then I was running. UGH! I hate GI issues. My running goal for the week was 40 I ended up with 38.45. 
However, it's a new week tomorrow let's see what it brings.