Thursday, October 27, 2022

Always remember ~You can rise up from anything. You can completely recreate yourself. Nothing is permanent. You're not stuck. You have choices. You can think new thoughts. You can learn something new. You can create new habits. All that matters is that you decide today and never look back. "Let’s GO!"

Thursday ~ Training 
Pilates 45 
3-mile run
Went to the doctor today that didn't go as planned, the information I received was crazy! They thought I could be bleeding because of my hysterectomy that I had in 2018, and they thought I needed to work on my pelvic floor muscles with a PT "WHAT?" I've been doing Pilates for only 20 years give me a break to add to that I am a personal trainer with 23 years' experience DUH! I was so mad! 
Thankfully, I went with my gut instincts and called for a second opinion and that doctor was right on he knew what the heck I was talking, and he knew what he was talking about. 
Now I just have to wait and see what to do next he did make a suggestion to go pick up some 
 Citrucel so off to Wal-Mart. 
No second run tonight I have such a stomachache.