So I’m getting after it with 75 Hard!
Have you heard of the “75 Hard Challenge”? If you’re on any form of social media, chances are that you have. The hashtags #75HardChallenge and #75Hard have almost 2 billion views on TikTok alone!
This challenge was created in 2019 by Andy Frisella, a motivational speaker, podcaster, and supplement company owner. Announcing the challenge on his podcast, Real AF, Frisella believes the 75 Hard is a “mental toughness program” as opposed to a “regular fitness program”.
So, what exactly is the 75 Hard Challenge?
The 75HardChallenge consists of 5 daily tasks that must be done every single day for 75 days straight.
The tasks are:
- Follow a diet: Designed towards your goals. No alcohol, and no cheat meals! Me -I’m Phorm 1 and Macros
- Complete two 45-minute workouts: 1 of these workouts must be outside. Me-I’m going to work on my running and weight training split days
- Drink 4L of water every day: Me-Get guzzling and peeeeeeeeeeing
- Read 10 pages of a book: Must be educational and nonfiction. Me- podcast baby
- Take a progress picture everyday: Me- I will show progress after 75 days “happy snapper!”