Welcome to my Life as an Endurance Athlete, 2x Cancer Survivor, Wife, Mommy, and Grandma. My philosophy is to "Be STRONGER today then you were yesterday and inspire as many people as possible with your strength, determination and PASSION." Remember ~ To DREAM BIG and "No matter how long your dream takes you don't give up on it!" ☀️
Friday, July 31, 2009
The Last 5 Days
I've been on my bike 3 times and it's so very frustrating how slow I've gotten man oh man I know your thinking you just had a baby what the heck! If you've been reading my blog for the past few years you know me by now that's how I am!
The biggest thing I still have to pay attention to is my heart rate because I have to watch the blood volume I'm pumping threw my heart otherwise I will have trouble with bleeding which I don't want a set back!
Happy Training Sunshine's
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Whoooohooo it's a Baby Boy!
Make a long story short! My Sisters favorite wards!
Saturday Blane and I went for a walk we made it about a mile ~then I had to stop and tell him we’ve got to go home I think my water is breaking so it was a slow walk home. When we got home I called one of my friends and she told me to go in, so we got our stuff together and went to Wal-Mart to get some bars because they weren’t going to let me eat anything at the hospital ~when we walked in I had to walk out more water was coming down my leg so it was for sure my water.
Getting to Gundersen Blane dropped me off at the door I must add that was the fastest ride to Gundersen ever Blane drove so fast it was funny! I walked in and said my water broke I was very calm however Blane walked in and it was “MY WIFES WATER HAS BROKE” it was funny they said is this his first I replied with yes J we got up stairs and it was going to be a long day we were there doing nothing but walking, rocking and sitting finally they started the big P word at 7:00 we weren’t going anywhere with contractions from 7:00-12:00 however, they added more medication and around 1:00 I was on “fire” every 40 sec a contraction would start ~ I was asking for pain medication trying to keep it together and around 3:00 am it was time to get the epidural the doctor came in with a huge yawn (“what an idiot in a nice polite way”) The epidural went so very, very BAD!!! The doc put it into my vain or vassal instead of my spine yep so I was starting to pass out they were getting ready for me to have a Cardiac Arrest or have a seizure Blane stayed really calm and thank gosh he did I could since something was wrong but I wasn’t sure what it was around 4am the doctor said we can’t give her another one until 6am I remember her saying that and there was no way our little bundle of joy was going to be in my tummy that long he was going to be delivered. I did ask for more medication because I could feel everything I mean everything! When we were having contractions I remember watching the clock and 30 -45 seconds lasted forever! Before the doctor gave me more meds she said lets check you out and see where you’re at my cervix wasn’t 100 percent so the doc said when you have another contraction I will hold back part of your cervix and lets have this baby. Around 5:00 we were ready to push at 5:05 we started pushing I remember telling my doctors tell me what to do and I will do it! At 5:18 we had him thank gosh, I was done! They put Korbin on my tummy what a beautiful little boy we had made, we are so very lucky! The rest of the day I had the worst headache ever!
Ok if this doesn’t make sense sorry I just did this as quickly as I could have a wonderful day Sunshine’s
Friday, July 24, 2009
Today Over Due and I just love it!
I have to say about the Tour ~I can’t wait for tomorrow stage 20
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Today was interesting!
Went down to riverside to meet with my dad to do our 4 mile walk; I was feeling great put my running shoes on (I know they still fit) and my GPS were off. I had a few contractions but not to bad this am I didn’t tell my dad I didn’t want him to worry however, we get out to about 1.75 and I said dad do you have your phone on you? He replied yes are you ok? I said yes but we better turn around I’m having some contractions. The contractions were getting stronger and stronger and if you’ve ever had kids you know what I’m talking about ~you get to that point that you think everything’s going to fall out or you’re going to go to the bathroom NOW! I was at that point still trying to keep up with my 12-13 min. walk to get back. This is funny I was at the point where I was walking on my tip toes and back to flat walking and tip toes trying hard not to think of anything but what my dad was saying.
My dad kept talking to me and thank god he was I couldn't even think right! I just kept thinking...."My water hasn't broken", "I know my dad can run and he can run fast", "I know he has his phone on him were going to make it"! But then I starting thinking if he called 911 the La Crosse Fire Dept. would respond and that’s what I didn’t want “””NO WAY”””! Let me clarify (my husband is a La Crosse Fireman and he’s at work!) Plus I would know everyone, I do know I would be in great hands with the Fire Dept but that's not how it should go!
Every few steps dad would say are you ok? Yep! As we got around the corner almost by our cars I was thinking “THANK GOD we made it”! Got into my car headed home the contractions lightened up so I decided to finish my .50 mile and they started again! A friend of Blane’s was outside he said “WOW your due date is today” and I said and it could be today “maybe with all my contractions going on”!
I’ve been having contractions all day and feeling pretty good~ the house is clean~ baby room is ready and Landen goes to his dad’s tonight so I don’t have to worry about him, so we will see what tonight brings.
Happy Training Sunshine’s!
Due Date is Today!
Today my work out will be~
Going walking 4 miles today, ride my Trek xo (wait I can't it's at Lisa house, plus I bet I couldn't reach the handle bars on that one either) then I have to Stretch and do 300 jumping jacks (JK) :)
Oh and I can't forget watch the Tour!
"Smart Training Sunshine's"
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Yesterday I walked 4 miles with my dad, came home and finished 1 mile I had to get 5 in.
Today walking will be 2 miles just in case tonight or tomorrow I go in Man I hope so!
It's funny I was getting my bag ready to go to the hospital I put all my running stuff in it; I told my husband I was going to run home from Gundersen after the baby is born... That was funny! Like that would happen.. now if it was my bike then heck yea!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Still Pregnant!
Were doing the Mini Madison Half Marathon~ http://www.madisonminimarathon.com/
August 29th so I'm trying to follow a plan for that at a really slow.
Yesterday was a 3 mile run it turned into a 3 mile walk today is off and tomorrow is 5 miles so I will do that today just in case I go in (I hope so) I can run/walk it very slow.
I got on my bike yesterday and I couldn't even touch the handle bars it was so funny I guess that's out.
Still doing weights at home and working with the band for swimming.
We will see what September 13th will bring me!
Smart training Sunshine's and have fun while your doing it! :)
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
8 Ways to Prevent Injuries
By Joanna Zeiger
Triathlete magazine
Most of us have experienced one or more injuries in our athletic careers. While most of these setbacks sideline us for a few days or weeks, others can be career-ending. My triathlon life began when rotator cuff tendonitis abruptly ended my swimming career. This particular injury has left an indelible mark on my life.
My junior year of college was a pivotal one; I qualified for the Olympic Trials in swimming and was looking ahead to my senior year with huge anticipation. However, just weeks prior to returning for my final year at Brown, I began to experience pain in my left shoulder.
What I thought was a little problem led to four months out of the water, excruciating physical therapy, missing the Olympic Trials, and eight years later the shoulder still flares up with no warning.
This injury taught me the importance of listening to my body, not taking my health for granted, and being defensive in preventing injuries.
Fortunately, many injuries are preventable. The following list is intended to help you stay healthy through the current racing season and beyond.
Proper technique is important not only to swim more efficiently, but also to prevent injuries. I know first-hand how difficult it is to make stroke changes. I changed my stroke after 16 years as a competitive swimmer. When I was recovering from my shoulder injury, a Masters coach explained that if I still wanted to swim at age 30 (I was 23 at the time), I would have to bend my elbows more on my recovery and breathe bilaterally.
At the time, 30 seemed like ages away, but I took his advice and struggled to make the changes. Now I'm past 30, and I am happy to say that I am swimming faster now than when I was 23.
Tips to Improve Technique for Injury Prevention:
1. Will Make You a Better Swimmer">Join a Masters team. An on-deck coach can work wonders in improving your stroke.
2. Have somebody videotape your stroke. A moving image of your habits will actually help you visualize proper technique when working your way through the water.
3. Attend a swim camp or triathlon clinic.
4. Spend time alone in the pool. To better focus on technique, it is imperative to spend time at the pool without the pace clock and the competition of other swimmers. Pick a day, swim easy, and think about your stroke.
5. If you are tired or feel pain, or your stroke is falling apart, get out. Any of these three symptoms can create bad stroke habits that can eventually lead to injury.
Bike fit is important to maximize your strength and to decrease the chance of injury. I suffer severely from the Princess and the Pea syndrome; if my bike is off by just one millimeter, I will have an ache to show for it. I have been known to stop half a dozen times on a ride to adjust my saddle.
A few years ago, I spent several months toying with my position. When my stem was too long, my shoulder hurt; when my seat was too far forward, my knee hurt. I learned the value of proper fit the hard way.
Tips to Improve Bike Fit for Injury Prevention:
1. Have an expert look at your position to make sure that your stem length, crank length, seat height and seat fore/aft position are correct.
2. When you determine your optimal position, mark everything (with black electrical tape or the like), so if you take your bike apart or if something slips, you can readjust it back into its proper position.
3. Do not ignore your cleats; they too can come loose and shift, thus altering your position. Make sure the bolts are tight.
Running is the most injurious of the three sports. Running injuries are rampant, and I have certainly experienced my share. I have had the requisite stress fracture and knee aches, and several years ago I suffered from sesamoiditis (inflammation of the ball of the foot. Trust me, it hurts!).
Two of my injuries developed as a result of running in worn-out shoes. On my last orthopedic visit, I was told to change my shoes every 250 miles. That's a lot of shoes! In fact, Saucony informed me that only the Kenyans go through more shoes. Injury prevention, I responded.
Shoe and Running Tips for Injury Prevention:
1. Change your shoes often. This is not the area to be trying to cut costs. When in doubt, throw them out (or recycle them, or whatever--just don't run in them!). Unless you are running an average of 10 miles a week, six months is too long to keep a pair of shoes. Err on the side of safety and replace shoes instead of trying to squeeze extra miles out of them.
2. Keep at least two pairs of shoes in the rotation, especially if you are running several days in a row. Use your running shoes strictly for running; wearing them to the gym or to run errands will shorten their lifespan and zap their cushioning.
3. Determine what type of runner you are: neutral, pronator or supinator and find shoes that accommodate your type of running. The podiatrist at a good sports medicine clinic is an excellent resource in this regard, and might even be able to provide you with a list of specific running shoes suited to your biomechanical needs.
4. Use over-the-counter inserts for more cushioning and/or arch support.
5. Run on trails when possible. Your legs will thank you for the softer surface. Dodging rock, twigs and roots will help your dexterity.
6. If you are feeling achy, take a few days off or run in the pool.
And lastly, some general tips for injury prevention:
1. Always warm up. Prior to a workout or a race, it is crucial to ease into your effort. A warm-up helps loosen the muscles and gets rid of lactic acid left over from the last workout. A proper warm-up will diminish the chance of muscle pulls, and will also keep you stronger throughout your entire workout.
Start your workouts at a low heart rate, then gradually pick up the pace until you reach your target zone. Do not be afraid to spin easy, run for 10 to 15 minutes or jump in the water and swim a few strokes before a race. A pre-race warm-up will help you get rid of the jitters, and prepare your muscles for tough exertion.
2. Stretch regularly. The extra few minutes spent stretching will pay off in the long run. I usually stretch during or after a workout, not before. If I feel tightness during a ride, run or swim, I do not hesitate to stop and stretch out the aching limb.
3. Treat yourself to a massage. It's an expensive habit, but worth it. Plan a massage to augment key points of the season. Good times are after a hard week of training or after a grueling race. Massage greatly expedites the recovery process, and with regular stretching, it should keep you flexible and injury-free.
4. Watch for signs of over-training, a common habit among triathletes. If you find yourself sleeping poorly, not enjoying your training, having an elevated heart rate in the morning or you are constantly grumpy, chances are you are over-trained. The remedy for these symptoms is to ease back or take some time off. Every now and then, a nap is more beneficial than a workout. A particular training session will not make you better, but it could cause injury.
Train safely. Race hard. Have fun.
You need this!
Everyone looks at all the big and little gadgets its you need for Running, Triathlon or whatever activity you do but they don't know how important it is to have a road ID on you. What is it your thinking check out this site and you will see.
Again I feel everyone needs one of these Road ID's.
If your out for a short walk, long walk, run, long bike, short bike whatever it is you do outside your house you should have one of these on! You never know when it may come in handy!
Happy Training Sunshine's
Monday, July 06, 2009
What do I eat for an Half Ironman?
What do I eat the night before my half Ironmans?
- I try to eat around 5-6:00 I always have pasta with Marinara Sauce maybe with a bread stick now I don't have a kids size either I have an adult size. Later that night I have a Banana or an apple with Peanut butter on it. I will also have my Poweraid or Accelerade
That night just to stay hydrated. I will also take 2 ~02 gold
I get to bed about 9 or 10:00
What do I eat before a Half Ironman?
I get up about 3 to 4 hours before the race I will have an apple right away; I will do 1 of 3 things for breakfast:
1. Oatmeal, brown sugar with a yogurt
2. Pancakes with a ton of syrup I don't lax here I'm going to burn it off anyways
3. Waffle with some Strawberries and syrup oh I can’t forget the whip cream
I decide which one that morning it depends how I feel however, I know I am really nervous because it's race day but I make sure to eat one of these or I will not have enough energy for my whole race.....
What do I eat during my Half Ironman!
Swim~ I always have GU with water about 30 to 45 min. before
On my bike~ My bottles are filled with a carbohydrate Accelerade or Poweraid. The solution is not too strong. I found that if I mix it to strong I won’t drink enough and then I will have troubles, it is better to be too weak than too strong. This way you will drink all of it. I usually have 3 bottles on my bike.
The first few miles of the bike I typically will start consuming fluids and I eat a half a PowerBar then when I get to about mile 35 or so I will finish the other half. Between miles 1-35 I will take a GU along with some water from an aid station maybe a banana to it just depends how I feel. I will try to get water from all the aid stations until I run out of my own Poweraid or Accelerade. I do not do to much water otherwise I will have slushy belly. A few miles before the end of the bike section I will down another GU again with some water.
During the run~ I will have a half of a Powerbar one-third and two-thirds of the way through along with some water. I have also found that it is good to have different flavors of GU on race day. For some strange reason my taste buds get unpredictable during a race. A flavor that I will totally enjoy while training sometimes becomes repulsive on race day and vice versa. I don't understand it, but I prepare for it by having different flavors with me while racing. I also alternate among gels, sports drinks; water and cola can support the carbohydrates and fluid needs during the run. Alternating cola with water can help dilute the higher carbohydrate concentration of the former. The caffeine in the cola may also stimulate your central nervous system and improve your focus and concentration during the race
During the Bike and the Run ~I ALWAYS, ALWAYS HAVE GUMMIE BEARS :)
If I know it's going to be hot I always take two or more Endurolytes before bed this helps prevent cramps in my legs I will also have some on my bike I will take 1 ever hour depending how hot it is and how much I'm sweating.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Friends, family, food and lots of Fireworks what a great time!
Yesterday workout:
55 min. 3 mile that's with walking up M as far as we could go~it's funny last year when I would run the hill it would take me 21 to 22 min to get to the top now I'm walking and not even making it half way funny! My heart rate was 140-170 when it hits 170 I have to back it off.
Road my bike trainer for a 30 min. it's so funny I'm getting so big in the belly that I can't reach my handle bars I still have my bike in an aero position so I have to hold on to the pads of the elbow pads.
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Nick White has some really great info. and he still does Triathlons!
3 Essential Open-Water Survival Tips
Last summer, one of my athletes felt great going into the water at the start of her goal event, a half-Ironman at Buffalo Springs Lake in Lubbock, Texas, only to get stuck behind a pack of slow swimmers.
A gap formed between her group and the leaders, but by the time she fought her way into open water she didn't have the power to get across to them. And while she ended the day with a new PR, her experience in the water revealed an opportunity for even more improvement. She needed some surge power and a more aggressive outlook on swimming in the pack.
Pack swimming is a relatively infrequent experience for most athletes, and it's difficult to replicate in a pool. Sure, you can swim laps right on someone's feet or hip, but there's little that compares to being smack in the middle of a few hundred swimmers out in open water.
So, without much opportunity to practice this skill, here are some tips for staying out of trouble.
Don't Get Pushed Around at the Start
Where you stage for the swim has a lot to do with how crowded you'll be in the water. Everyone wants to start in the middle of the shoreline to have the shortest distance to first buoy, but remember that all those athletes on the sides are going to be converging in toward the middle as soon as the gun goes off.
If you're not fast enough to get out ahead of them, you'll end up in the most congested swimming environment you can imagine. For my medium-speed swimmers (the ones who are in the first half of the pack coming out of the water), I actually recommend lining up more toward the ends of the shoreline.
You'll be able to catch a draft from the pack, but you'll have fewer swimmers to one side of you, meaning you'll have room to move around slow people. Yes, you'll have a little bit farther to swim, but swimming in better conditions often leads to faster swim times anyway.
Protect Your Face
Getting kicked in the face is one of the biggest risks and fears for triathletes. To reduce this risk try swimming catch-up style when you're in the pack. Catch-up is normally a stroke drill where you leave one hand extended in front of you while the other pulls through a complete stroke.
When that hand gets back in front of you, you begin your pull with the other arm. In a tight pack environment, swimming in such a manner means that one hand is always in front of your head to intercept a swimmer's wayward foot. Once you're in clearer water you can go back to a conventional stroke.
Think Before You Surge
Accelerating in the water to pass another athlete takes a lot of energy, so make sure you're doing it for the right reason. In the middle of the pack, passing one person isn't going to take you out of the draft, but if you're in a long line of swimmers you run the risk of pulling out to the side, slowing down because of the drag and then losing your spot as you fight to get back in line.
The most important time to work hard is right at the beginning of the swim. You'll burn a lot of energy, but getting into a good position in the pack—near the outside and with a group that swims as fast or a little faster than you can—will save you energy in the long run because you'll be able to do more swimming and less battling.
Of course, to get yourself into the sweet spot within your pack of swimmers, you need the ability to surge in the water, sometimes several times, and then recover while maintaining a strong pace.
The final few weeks leading up to your event are a good time to work on this because the workouts are relatively short and fit well into most athletes' tapering programs. I like to have my athletes perform the following workout twice a week in the three to four weeks before a goal event.
Nick White's Surge-Power Workout:
Warm-up: 500 yards
Drills: 400 yards total
• 3 x 50 yards catch-up
• 3 x 50 yards kick-on-side arm out with fins
• 100 yards sighting drill
Power-interval set: 1,600 Yards
• 8 x 200 yards. Intervals 1-4 pull with paddles; 5-8 swim focusing on high elbows and catch
Sprint-interval set: 900 Yards
• 9 x 100 rotating a 50-yard sprint through the set
• Interval No. 1: 50 sprint, 50 race pace
• Interval No. 2: 25 race pace, 50 sprint, 25 race pace
• Interval No. 3: 50 race pace, 50 sprint
Repeat twice
Cool-down: 150 yards
Total: 3,550
Nick White is a Pro Coach for Carmichael Training Systems, Inc. and works with athletes of all ability levels. To find out about CTS coaching, training camps and other services, visit trainright.com.
Related Articles:
Start to Finish: Owning the Open Water
Friday, July 03, 2009
Thursday, July 02, 2009
I liked this one!
Athletes: What to Eat and When for Top Performance
By Nancy Clark, MS RD CSSD
For Active.com
Hot off the press from three prominent nutrition and exercise associations—the American Dietetic Association, American College of Sports Medicine, and Dietitians of Canada—is the 2009 Joint Position Stand on Nutrition for Athletic Performance.
While there is little earth-shattering news in this comprehensive document (available on www.eatright.org), the authors comprehensively reviewed the research to determine which sports nutrition practices effectively enhance performance. Here are a few key points on what and when to eat to perform at your best.
1. Don't weigh yourself daily! What you weigh and how much body fat you have should not be the sole criterion for judging how well you are able to perform in sports. That is, don't think that if you get to XX percent body fat, you will run faster. For one, all techniques to measure body fat have inherent errors. (Even BodPod can underestimate percent fat by two to three percent.) Two, optimal body fat levels depend on genetics and what is optimal for your unique body. Pay more attention to how you feel and perform than to a number on the scale.
2. Protein recommendations for both endurance and strength-trained athletes range from 0.5 to 0.8 grams per pound (1.2-1.7 g/kg) body weight. For a 150-lb. athlete, this comes to about 75 to 120 g protein per day, an amount most athletes easily consume through their standard diet without the use of protein supplements or amino acid supplements. Vegetarian athletes should target ten percent more, because some plant proteins (not soy but legumes) are less well digested than animal proteins.
If you are just starting a weight-lifting program, you’ll want to target the higher protein amount. Once you have built-up your muscles, the lower end of the range is fine.
3. Athletes in power sports need to pay attention to carbohydrates, and not just protein. That's because strength training depletes muscle glycogen stores. You can deplete about 25 percent to 35 percent of total muscle glycogen stores during a single 30-second bout of resistance exercise.
4. Athletes who eat enough calories to support their athletic performance are unlikely to need vitamin supplements. But athletes who severely limit their food intake to lose weight (such as wrestlers, lightweight rowers, gymnasts), eliminate a food group (such as dairy, if they are lactose intolerant), or train indoors and get very little sunlight (skaters, gymnasts, swimmers) may require supplements.
5. If you are vegetarian, a blood donor, and or a woman with heavy menstrual periods, you should pay special attention to your iron intake. If you consume too little iron, you can easily become deficient and be unable to exercise energetically due to anemia. Because reversing iron deficiency can take three to six months, your best bet is to prevent anemia by regularly eating iron-rich foods (lean beef, chicken thighs, enriched breakfast cereals such as Wheaties and Total) and including in each meal a source of vitamin C (fruits, vegetables).
6. Eating before hard exercise, as opposed to exercising in a fasted state, has been shown to improve performance. If you choose to not eat before a hard workout, at least consume a sports drink (or some source of energy) during exercise.
7. When you exercise hard for more than one hour, target 30 to 60 grams (120 to 240 calories) of carbohydrate per hour to maintain normal blood glucose levels and enhance your stamina and enjoyment of exercise. Fueling during exercise is especially important if you have not eaten a pre-exercise snack. Popular choices include gummi candy, jelly beans, dried fruits, as well as gels and sports drinks. More research is needed to determine if choosing a sports drink with protein will enhance endurance performance.
8. For optimal recovery, an athlete who weighs about 150 pounds should target 300 to 400 calories of carbs within a half-hour after finishing a hard workout. More precisely, target 0.5-0.7 g carb/lb (1.0-1.5 g carb/kg). You then want to repeat that dose every two hours for the next four to six hours. For example, if you have done a rigorous, exhaustive morning workout and need to do another session that afternoon, you could enjoy a large banana and a vanilla yogurt as soon as tolerable post-exercise; then, two hours later, a pasta-based meal; and then, another two hours later, another snack, such as pretzels and orange juice.
9. Whether or not you urgently need to refuel depends on when you will next be exercising. While a triathlete who runs for 90 minutes in the morning needs to rapidly refuel for a three-hour cycling workout in the afternoon, the fitness exerciser who works out every other day has little need to obsess about refueling.
10. Including a little protein in the recovery meals and snacks enhances muscle repair and growth. Popular carb+protein combinations include chocolate milk, yogurt, cereal+milk, pita+hummus, beans+rice, pasta+meat sauce.
11. Muscle cramps are associated with dehydration, electrolyte deficits and fatigue. Cramps are most common in athletes who sweat profusely and are “salty sweaters.” They need more sodium than the standard recommendation of 2,400 mg/day. Losing about two pounds of sweat during a workout equates to losing about 1,000 mg sodium. (Note: eight ounces of sport drink may offer only 110 mg sodium.) Salty sweaters (as observed by a salty crust on the skin of some athletes) lose even more sodium. If that’s your case, don’t hesitate to consume salt before, during and after extended exercise. For example, enjoy broth, pretzels, cheese & crackers, pickles and other sodium-rich foods. The majority of active people can easily replace sweat losses via a normal intake of food and fluids.
Final Words of Advice
If you can make time to train, you can also make time to eat well and get the most out of your training. Optimal sports performance starts with good nutrition!
bigger and bigger everyday!



Today got up at 6:00 went for a 30 min. run/walk then went to the Doc. I hit the scale at 180 today that is 53 pounds of fun.... I was going to do the running race again this weekend however she said no "that stinks"~ so I will continue to run/walk at home and ride my bike trainer and no swim just stick to my band workout for swimming.. I have to say it is really, really hard!
I have signed up for the Mini-Marathon in Madison August 29th ~ with some friends of mine that is going to be fun!