Friday, April 23, 2021

 What an incredible life changing year it has been for so many!

For me being long term P.E teacher, for the last 8 months it has been life changing and incredible!

 Yesterday was a hard day, the full time P.E teacher is coming back, so at this time my sub position has ended. 

Yesterday the 6th grade students lined up on both sides of the hall with cards in their hand and as I walked by they handed me the cards (I have to say it was so hard NOT to break down) all of these student or I always called them (Athlete’s) have a huge place in my ๐Ÿ’› . 

As I walked by I gave each one of them an elbows, I told them to always keep inspiring the world with their positivity and always keep moving with a smile. 

Then I went down to teach 5th graders and yep everyone of gave me cards too. As I went to my office I see this beautiful flower and more cards on my desk from the 3rd and 4th graders omg I couldn’t believe it. As one of the students came down (4th grade) she said Mrs. Neher why do you have to leave your my favorite, I said I’m not leaving I will be here and there so I will see you again she gives me a hug and run off to class... 

I go into the office to turn my key in the sweet office lady says thank you for alway bring sunshine in to our school days (nothing like always hearing GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE from a teacher). 

I proceed to go up stairs to the 3rd graders and wowza that was heart warming listening to the students tell me their favorite games I thought them. 

One of the little girls shows me her plank and how she can hold he knees up now and even go into a side plank like me...I have to say the best one was when when one of the students said they liked the burpee challenge but my mom didn’t๐Ÿ˜… (I challenged the students to do burpees with their parents/family.)

Now time to sit, drink my coffee and read all the amazing cards the students made for me, there’s over 150 of them it’s just incredible and so very sweet!! 

I’m so blessed for the opportunity to work with these amazing students and to top that off to be my sons P.E teacher for the past 8 months! ๐Ÿ’›☀️ 

#phyteacher #peteacher #changelives #fitnesshealth #ourfuture #blessings #loveyourjob