Sunday, November 01, 2020

Ready for November and the Planksgiving Challenge..... This is going to our schools...

November Planksgiving Challenge!

This is a 30-Day Plank challenge will get progressively harder as we go through November. There are rest days built in to give your body a chance to let your muscles recuperate.

Tips for Planking:

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to plank:

1. Start off on a mat or on a flat surface. Start in push-up position.

2. Lower both your forearms to the ground so that both your elbows and fists are flat to the ground. Your palms should be balled up, and directly underneath your shoulders.

3. Engage your abs by tilting your pelvis and pulling your belly button towards your spine.  

4. Straighten your body but make sure to keep your neck and spine neutral.

5. Be mindful of your form at all times keep your glutes tight this will help you hold your plank. 

6. Hold the Plank for the Suggested time.

7. If you find the daily time too difficult, then just plank as long as you can, or break it up into smaller sets.

8. Think the challenge is too easy?  Add another interval or add in a plank variation such as Side Planks, Reverse Planks, or Planks with Hip Dip.

Why plank exercises?

Plank exercises strengthen the core. Core muscles help to support the body and allow us to use our arms and legs strongly and effectively. Strong core muscles form the foundation for good posture, coordination, and balance. All gross and fine motor skills rely on a stable core.

Send pictures of you and your family planking and send them

Note: Some photos will go into our Annual Year Book. 

The Planksgiving Calendar

We can’t wait to see your imagination with these crazy and fun places you “planked!”

So... Let's Get Planking!