Sunday, July 30, 2023

Just a little story

So I have to tell a little story! The day after IMWI my daughter and I went to the awards ceremony “ya never know right!” As we watched, listened, and took it all in.
My age group came up and at that time I didn’t get the “roll down!” I was sad as we left explained to Elsie what happened.
LiL E. Gave me a hug and said “I love you mom next time!” I came home signed up for Ironman WI. 2023!
Over the few months, I’ve been putting in the work and feeling great!
Moving forward - When I received the E-mail about Kona, of course I was so EXCITED but now I’m so extremely excited to tell my LIL E.
This is what I did -coffee for me, and her favorite orange drink for her, I put the Lei on the counter, (thank you @marie_howell27 for that). When she came out I told her, she was so excited “Congratulation mom” I love you, I love you! I’m so proud of you…..