Friday, May 14, 2021

HaPpŸ Fri-YAY!

This week has been great! 
I had the opportunity to volunteer at the school and work with the current P.E teacher. She’s so excited about retiring as I am so excited about teaching. Meeting the student this way is so great they get to see who I am, I get to see who they are, start to learn their names, and learn their personalities. Yesterday as I dropped my lil girl off one of the students said to her mom “there’s my new P.E teacher mom” I went over intruded myself to her, she let me know her thoughts about me teaching with the current gym teacher, she felt having me there is so beneficial to all the students because then it’s not a huge shocker when they see me next year and not the current P.E teacher.  Nothing like positive feed back now 
off to get ready for school always remember “Movement is Medicine” sooooooooo Be Active 😉