Wednesday, October 21, 2020

P.E teacher for the rest of the year....☀️๐Ÿ’›

 I’m so blessed I’ve been offered the P.E teacher for the rest of the year. The teacher we’ve subbing for her husband is very sick (Cancer) and doesn’t want to bring anything home from kids at the school (totally understandable) Now the most amazing challenge for me is to become a better P.E teacher so I’ve decided to take classes (on line) to learn more about teaching P.E. To young athletes (I call them all athletes) in class their students in P.E their athletes this way they think and work like athletes should. 

20 plus years ago I went to school for health, fitness, then become a PT, Coach thankfully while I was in school I worked with younger kids and Coached many CC teams that experience has helped me for today’s experiences. 

 I have to say working with adult athletes for so long it is an adjustment, those athletes want to workout improve themselves and when your a P.E teacher not all kids want to be in P.E class to learn about health and fitness or to play a games. You (me) have to make quick decisions to inspire them to join in.  ๐Ÿ’› Thankfully god has definitely given me this amazing gift.  

So on that note - Being in the first year P.E teacher the struggle is real however, that’s what makes it sooooooo exciting.....  #learneverday #inspireeveryday #ironsunshinepeteacher