Friday, October 30, 2020

 Getting ready for November - Having students write “Grateful letters” to all of their Teachers,s and Staff. Then give them to them for Thanksgiving break... 

Then my school badge came in today, I’m so Blessed to work with younger “Athletes” and teach them positivity, health, fitness and new games..... 

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Self Care.

No races on the schedule YET so working on running slow and making sure I have a strong Core...

Fit Pilates Morning 

Afternoon Dreadmill run 


Saturday, October 24, 2020

Saturday love!!!

 I love Saturday’s nothing like BIG cups coffeeeeeeeeee

Friday, October 23, 2020

Special 🌟

Teaching all classes today I go into my office and find this cute little pad with a little note for my P.E teacher 


Fun Fri~YAY!

Fun Fri-YAY 
Today is filled with games the young Athletes pick. Today was Flag Football but first all athletes had to write a positive word or quote for the 4th graders (the afternoon classes) I have to say it was so fun to hear the 4th graders repeat what they wrote.... 


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

It’s Volleyball time....
These next few weeks will be teaching young athletes how to play volleyball I’m so looking forward to it..


P.E teacher for the rest of the year....☀️πŸ’›

 I’m so blessed I’ve been offered the P.E teacher for the rest of the year. The teacher we’ve subbing for her husband is very sick (Cancer) and doesn’t want to bring anything home from kids at the school (totally understandable) Now the most amazing challenge for me is to become a better P.E teacher so I’ve decided to take classes (on line) to learn more about teaching P.E. To young athletes (I call them all athletes) in class their students in P.E their athletes this way they think and work like athletes should. 

20 plus years ago I went to school for health, fitness, then become a PT, Coach thankfully while I was in school I worked with younger kids and Coached many CC teams that experience has helped me for today’s experiences. 

 I have to say working with adult athletes for so long it is an adjustment, those athletes want to workout improve themselves and when your a P.E teacher not all kids want to be in P.E class to learn about health and fitness or to play a games. You (me) have to make quick decisions to inspire them to join in.  πŸ’› Thankfully god has definitely given me this amazing gift.  

So on that note - Being in the first year P.E teacher the struggle is real however, that’s what makes it sooooooo exciting.....  #learneverday #inspireeveryday #ironsunshinepeteacher 

Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Little treats left on my desk from the Lunch LadiesπŸ’«

 I love the lunch ladies, they know I run the Bluff everyday after school (P.E teacher needs to stay in shape) so today they put a HUGE cinnamon roll on my desk and said have a treat after your run!!! So very nice!!! 

Friday, October 02, 2020

Happy Fri-YaY!

 Today day was picture day for the students, because I”m a sub I really didn’t think I would have my photo taken with everyone well guess what after running around the gym with some of the athletes the school Principal came in and said MRS.Neher you need to get your photo taken. ME: OMG what! As I run outside to cool off a little bit I come back in and get my photo taken I haven’t had that for YEARS, YEARS!

I have to say it’s so fun being a P.E Teacher!
I’m so blessed to work on myself , work with “Amazing Athletes” in the early morning, then go to school and work with younger Athletes and teach them positivity, sportsmanship, teamwork and show them all they’re all Athletes!


Game week Rack up those points!

 WHAT A GREAT WEEK! This week was really a fun week with the P.E Athletes, I had a game called Rack up your points all homerooms were going against each other. 

What I did is have the gym room filled with dots, and cones. You used two basketballs per team, you had two teams one on one side of the gym and the other on the other side. Every Athlete had to a take 1 shot if they make the shot they picked up the dot or cone (which is worth 1,5,10,20, points) and started making a pile. The first game was 15 min. The second game was 10 min.  

Now to find another game for the athletes