Thursday, November 07, 2019

Fast and short race report...
2017 - What a priceless, priceless Ironman!
This morning our group was all together we stayed together until we got into the waves starts then we lost Tim it got a little crazy! As we all were in our wave correl a little sweet prayer was said then off to the water. I give my sister a huge hug told her I love her, stay in control, positive, I'll see you soon.. As we get into the water I'm watching her thinking ok I'll stay with her as much as I can "that's just the momma big sister on me" I tried for a bit and then noticed that wasn't going to work, so off I went. I have to say that swim was awesome, the only part I didn't like was coming back in that was a little hectic to be nice lol...Ran up the helix, volunteer Grabbed my bag and man oh man putting #fastpants on wet lol is not so fun..
Bike- I think I just love bumpy roads "NOT"    I felt great on the bike a few close calls other bikers almost running into me, a few drop of the chain, seat dropped down, my front break went out (but who needs those rightπŸ˜‰) and my right shoe clip broke... BYW that Barlow hill was so fun "wait along with all the other hills"..Riding back up the Helix was awesome, I see my Stepdad and Mom yelling for me at the top it's just so awesome seeing their faces I love you too thank you, thank you for always being there always!
Then an amazing volunteer grabs Thumper (my bike) and off I go to changing room, as  come running out Tina W. run up and says "Beth is out of the water and on her bike doing great!" Thank god I'm thinking as I getting choked up.. off to run I'm feeling good, then I hear my sister is almost off her bike, I slow down my run to a fast walk, I'm thinking if she's close we can connect up, well she was out a bit more then what the IM site was saying.
I finally hear she's off her bike, I'm at almost 11/12 miles I'm thinking ok I'll walk it until she's gets to me, I see her she fricken looks awesome! I said Beth keep that pace you'll catch me I'll slow down mine. Well as normal the miles become longer, I was told that's she's far out and you would have to wait 2 plus hours or so for her. I instantly got emotionalπŸ˜­πŸ˜“ and started thinking crap, crap if I sit down and wait yikes that would kill me πŸ˜‰, then I picked it up "baby jog it in" I'm sure all of you know when you fast walk and go to a jog lol oh your muscles feel spectacular.😜 The greatest part on this walk/run was I seen all of my amazing athletes out there, they have no idea how much they inspire me in so many, many ways.
I finish I see my Mom and Step Dad yelling,  then I come into the finish I I see Dawn she had no idea what she did when she gave me that hug my ❤️was just filled with so much, I wanted to finish with my sister, and couldn't but then on the other hand I instantly thought what Mike Raily said to me "Your sister needs to do this herself", wait for her and metal her after I call her name; he was right I did need her to finish it and truly see how fricken tough she is!
So that's what I did I waited and seen her come across that finish line and stood right in the middle so she could see me tears of joy came running down our faces I was able to metal her, gave her a huge hug and congratulated her. I'm so fricken proud of her there's not enough words to describe it....
A huge thank you to everyone who came out and cheered us all on!❤️