Sunday, September 22, 2024

I'm going to take these 7 weeks and see how much I can change my body!

Following my Ironman competitions, I recognized the need to eliminate excess body fat, which I term 'Cardio Fluff,' resulting from excessive cardio training at the expense of weight training. To achieve my new goal, I will implement the following strategies:
1. Achieve 10-12,000 steps daily through walking or jogging. 2. Prioritize protein intake (by tracking Macros). 3. Engage in weight training five times a week. 4. Ensure adequate hydration.

Goal November 15th see how much I can change ~ Photos after my challenge


Friday, September 20, 2024

How did you recover??

Following my 70.3 going into my Ironman event, I had numerous individuals inquired about my recovery strategy. Specifically, they asked about my nutritional intake. To alleviate severe cramping during the cycling segment, I recognized the need for potassium, magnesium, and sodium replenishment. I consumed substantial amounts of candy, bananas, chicken noodle soup, a bagel, portions of a hamburger, and a Gomacro bar. Prior to resting, I also took Calm, a magnesium supplement. I felt amazing the next morning and ready to race…

Thursday, September 12, 2024

I finished!

Where to start? 
Training was incredible, I never did 6-hour rides, I never did over 3 hour runs, and I never swam more than an hour.  I know what? The main reason was I have kids, work and other family stuff triathlon is just a hobby, and my life couldn't be training every min. of the day! 

Now I will say I do teach classes so most of my weeks would be 
Monday Pilates- Swimming
Tuesday weight training- running
 Wednesday Pilates -swimming
Thursday Cycling -running
Friday Pilates- cycling 
Saturday Ride no longer then 3 hours 
Sunday Run maybe 2.5 hours 
With this schedule I would ride hills, high intensity training I would put as much into it as I could.

Training is one part of the race; however, MIND SET IS THE BIGGEST part of how you're going to do! 

The week before the race My sister contacted the news, we were going to do the race for suicide prevention. We both knew of people who had lost their lives to this, so we wanted to honor them along with others and of course bring awareness to suicide (it's incredible how many people don't want to talk about it) as my sister had said it's ok not to be ok!

Going to Madison~
The ride was so fun my sister and I road together, we talked about the race strategizing and having fun. We got there late, checked in talked to as many people as we could nothing like talking to other athletes who are in the same boat as you are .......nervous.... 
Friday morning, we wake up and do a nice easy swim it was cold! Went back to the hotel and cleaned up, went to check in, drop my bike off and organized myself for the next day. We had to find a running store local my sister needed shoes, we found one about 3 miles away walked there and found special shoes for her. Now I have to tell this story because on our way back from this beautiful 3-mile walk, we seen BIG rain clouds coming in and thought oh CRAP was going to get stuck in the rain and that's exactly what happened! Thank goodness we found a noodles and went to eat there, where we stayed there for 45 min.
Finally made it back to the hotel and hung out.
I couldn't sleep at all up all night waiting for 4:15am finally out of bed at 4:00 am made coffee had a bit of a banana went to the restroom. Got my bag organized and head out the door. It was great it was still dark out and just a little wind nothing to crazy YET!  Went to my bike talked to other athletes who were doing the double and others. I love talking to others who are just as nervous as you are before the race I love the feeling of the butterflies I get before the race, and as soon as that gun goes off there gone. 
As we head down to the water, I'm in the way, way, way back I spent time with my family and friends on top. However, as I was standing there with the other athletes the wind picked up a little bit more and I thought to myself this is going to be extra fun today! 
In the water I go all I kept thinking is go, go, go every buoy I would say this one is for ....... this one is for.... and so on and so on! As I came out a volunteer grabbed my arm and said great job! I sat down someone took off my wetsuit and off I went. I see my family gave them "wet kisses" and ran up the helix. I had to run forever my bike was at the very end. When I finally got to my bike, I put on my long sleeve shirt, gloves, ear covers and off I went. Time to catch as many people as I could on the bike (LOL just kidding) but I did know I wanted to finish the bike in 3 hours. By mile 31.6 I started to cramp so bad in my inner thighs, I couldn't believe it, I put my bike in an easy gear and road it out finally gone about mile 50 it was back however in both legs (what the heck?) Road it out again in easy gear, finally to the helix again I switch gears, and my chain falls off going up the helix (I think do I run it up or but it on and ride?) I put it on and road! 

I have to say with the bike being so cold and windy holy crap I felt bad for the athletes who didn't have gloves on or long sleeve shirts on. 
Off to the Run! 
Shoes on however, I couldn't put them on myself I was cramping so bad a volunteer helped me out, glasses on, belt on, hat on and go! 
I started running down the helix and holy schnikes I get an incredible cramp in the back of my leg I can't get it out! UGH.... I started to walk, and baby jog finally it's out. The run was tough for me I have lots of GI issues (Imodium ad is my friend) and have for a long time, so I just kept thinking keep the pace stay in the race and that's what I did. I really didn't care about my time, I just wanted to finish my goal the 210.9. I finished the race and went to my family who are always there for me I truly appreciate it! 
Race 1 70.3 Check! 

Right away I got my bike put it where it needs to be for the Ironman got my timing chip! Then off to eat, I ate chicken noodle soup, a sandwich, lots of PEEPS (yes, your read that right) chips and anything else I could find that was salty! 
I went and sat in the Ice bath for 3 min. went to the recovery boots and went to the hotel to get my bags ready for IRONMAN. Thankfully I had most of them ready. Walked them down to the drop off and back up to the room. I really just rested my legs as much as I could, put compression socks on and kept them up ate, ate, drank, drank!! 

4:00 here we go! Wake my sister up and ate half banana and Peeps! 
Walked down to the helix dropped off our bags, checked our bikes, pumped up the tires, ate more Peeps! Then went into the helix where we all meet with my family. We sat and talked, drank went to the bathroom 100 times, watch people. 
Then it was go time, as we walked down, I took in a gel. Gave my kids and hubby hugs and kisses and said I'll see you soon! 
Bethanne and I started in the 1:11:00 group let's just get in and get it done, as we got closer to the start of our day, I have my sister a kiss and said you're going to do amazing, stay InControl "don't panic" and keep your mind on where you're going "the finish line".. As I was in the hands of the volunteer my goggles were on, I was ready to roll! 
Ding~ his arms went down, and I was off it was crazy, I felt like I was back in the mass start (which I love) the first loop awesome counting buoys saying names yada yada! The second loop more craziness, the faster swimmers were swimming over the slower ones and man oh man keep your head on! As I was coming around the back end, I seen a women kind of looking around, I could see a little bit of panic on her face, I stop my race and went to her! "Hey, you, ok? As I was looking right into her eyes (she had clear goggles on) her words were I'm going to die, "I said not today!" As I grabbed her arm and swam with her to the kayak, I said hold on to this and talk to them ok,,,,, I was kicking myself as I left that I didn't read her number on her swim cap! Back at it I swam under the timing buoy and out of the water I went, as I ran sat down, got my wet suit stripped off seen my family again gave them wet kisses (as they all had HUGE smiles on their faces) Ran up the helix grabbed my bag and incredible volunteer (Sue) grabbed my bag and said "let's go"
Got changed off to the Bike! 
The wind wasn't as bad as the 70.3 so I just road I talked to as many people as I could commenting on how great they were doing, their jersey's yada, yada again this was a race yes but I really wanted to finish it! 
I took in my nutrition, drank every chance I could the roads were full of potholes, I kept thinking I'm going to get a flat...UGH!
The Police were incredible, I was almost taken out by a driver until the officer came running out of the spot, he was in YELLING at the car to stop! I couldn't believe it! 
I have to say I love that bike course, I love the hills, the fun people on it and of course the Clown hill! 
I was so happy when I heard my sister was at mile 25 of the bike I almost cried, I know that swim was tough but, then again, I know my sister is tougher! 
As I'm going back on the "Stick they call it" my little legs started cramping again OMG I only have less then 12 miles to go, easy gear and just keep moving! I made it, I made it to the helix now to get up and say bye, bye to my bike!! 

The Run or I should say WALK! 
I knew it was going to be a walk my legs were cramping and a few times I would have sweet little sweats going, or a little bit of puking sensations. So, a walk it was going to be, I see my sister and said see you in a little bit keep the pace stay in the race. 
When I got to my second loop, wowza it got dark fast, I normally come in about 7PM during Ironman's however, not this time. The course was not lit up like it was when Bace Performance what there, they would bring the party, music, lights, salt and craziness. I have to say it was a bit dangerous with the bikers, runners, walkers and no lights. As I'm coming back, I see my sister give a high five and let her know I will see you at the finish line, love ya!  
As I'm coming in, I just take it all in the soreness goes away and I'm running down into the finish line, I hear my mom and dad yelling for me, I see my kids and husband waiting for me I'm so overwhelmed with happiness I just finished the 210.0 back-to-back! 
I get my plank star photo and off to see my family!   

I cannot thank my family enough for being there, I love you more then you'll ever know! 

I also can't thank Amy Becker and (family), Eric Frydenlund and (family) for letting me put their family name on the back of my shirt! I can't go into that too much, but they understand. Forever in our hears! 

I have to say I qualified for Kona with the rolldown and for 70.3 world championships with this race! I can't believe it! 

Now to figure out what's next


Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Warmup!

The Warmup!

2 Hour cycling
90 min. run
Weight training
Shopping with my littles!

Fri-YaY Fun!

The Warmup!
45 min. Pilates
90 min. Run started outside then rain ended on the tready!!


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Monday, June 17, 2024

It Starts!

My 12 Week Ironman 210.9 Plan Starts today!
The Warmup!
No Pool so taught Pilates
Ran 60 min.
82 days to go!


Friday, June 14, 2024

 Mornin’ Sunshine!

Remember ~You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you think!

Just the warm up!
1-First 70.3 of the season + getting second place in my age group and with my daughter running across the finish line was priceless!
What a great race @milkmantriathlon ! I definitely will be back next year!